Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Novel in progess Part I

Silvia Aguilar sat at her desk, playing with the ends of her long black hair, twirling them around her fingers. She was wondering if the day was going to be as exciting as a dripping faucet, as it usually was. She was sporting a huge headache and her amber eyes were still burning from nights spent thinking about Santiago, her boyfriend and personal torturer. They had been together for four years and it was definitely over. Silvia just needed to pull the band-aid off of the festering sore that was her home life. This was not the life that she had envisioned for all of them two years ago.
When they met at a local restaurant, for the first time, Silvia had been impressed with how together he seemed. He had only been in Omaha for a few months having just arrived from Los Angeles. He was already working construction and making good money, with a truck and apartment of his own out in west Omaha. He was impressive. He told her how he was originally from Guatemala and that his family had fled Guatemala when he was a small boy. His parents had their own business in California that they ran together with one of Santiago’s sisters. They dated for six months, and then began looking for a place together. The girls loved Santiago and for Tatiana, he was the only father that she had ever known. Milagros, her 10 year-old daughter, that everyone called Millie, was always happy if Mami was happy. Silvia was sure that they would be happy together as a family. She had been married before to her first love, and she had done everything the right way, and that had ended in Disaster.
When her first husband left them, Silvia was devastated. She was pregnant with Tatiana, and Millie was five and just starting kindergarten. Silvia’s husband, Jose, left with Sonia, the girl who sold drugs with him, who later testified against him at his trial in Federal Court.
Silvia would have been better off without him, but she got involved with Santiago.
Silvia couldn’t leave the house without asking Santiago’s permission, but he could come and go without any questions. One time, he had forgotten that she was attending a friend’s baby shower and while she was gone, he cut up any of her clothes that he could find. Fortunately, she had everything in the laundry and he only destroyed things that she didn’t wear often.
She felt flattered because she thought he was jealous, but he really did it because his mind is as twisted as a pretzel.
She reviewed the relationship, how he would ignore her, reject her, leave her, and refuse to go anywhere with her. All the nights that he would stay gone and return completely drunk, wanting to fight or have sex. She was tired of fighting, and was making plans to find a cheaper place for her and the kids. Santiago no longer helped with the bills and was beginning to mistreat her girls.
He would regularly berate Silvia or the girls; he would throw his dinner plate against the wall, and storm out of the house.
Two months ago, she returned home from work to find all the mattresses and beds overturned and most of her furniture in the front yard.
She asked him “What are you doing?”
Santiago responded “You don’t make the beds right and I am having a yard sale, to get back the money you waste. But, none of your junk is worth anything. No one wants anything you have.”
Silvia was shocked. “Well, I’ll leave so you can finish”
She knew what to do, but she was afraid at that point that he was psycho. She turned around and took the girls to her sister’s house to stay that night. Afterwards, she stayed in the girls’ room. He never questioned her about it.
Silvia, decided to apply for every job opening at work the following Monday.
She began to plan seriously the move to a new job, with a new life, and in a new place that she could afford by herself. He was a different person and Silvia had re-run every moment of their time together trying to find what she had done wrong to cause him to treat her so badly. Silvia mulled over every mistake she had ever made in her life and every argument with Santiago, but in the end she had no idea why he had changed so drastically. She remember with a smile the young man that Santiago had living with them last year, Diego was his name, and he was such a sweet small man from Guatemala. Diego had told her that Santiago had been using serious drugs and taking women to motels when he went out on the weekends. Silvia didn’t want to believe him, but maybe that was the truth, although she never saw him do anything. She had never known anyone who was a drug user other than the occasional pothead, but that could explain everything but Silvia always felt that if she was good enough and didn’t make waves then Santiago would love her again.

Silvia, applied for every job opening when she arrived to work that following Monday, after Santiago decided to destroy her house and have a yard sale.
Now, two months later, she was finally getting call backs for interviews.
She was meeting with Jack Pearson at 4 o’clock, she was interviewing for a low-level supervisor position. It wasn’t glamorous, but it was more money and in a different office. As the day wore on, Silvia gulped coffee and headache pills to help relieve the pain and prepare her for the interview. She realized that this was her chance to get away and make a better life for her and the girls.
When 3 o’clock rolled around, Silvia organized her desk and left for her meeting at the main office. Fortunately, for Silvia, the traffic was light on the interstate and she could almost enjoy the bright, mid-western, Wednesday afternoon. Her mind was racing trying to remain calm, all the while praying for the best possible interview. She had been hoping to make a good impression and move to the new office, where Santiago would not know where to find her.
Silvia pulled her weather-beaten green Cavalier into the parking space reserved for visitors at the main office.
Speaking to God Silvia began, “Dear Lord, please calm me and allow me to make the best impression that I can. Help me father to be clear and concise. I really need this job for our future. Please allow me to be the best mother that I can. Pour all of your blessing upon me Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, our savior, bless us all. Amen.”
Silvia did feel more calm and in control. She crossed herself, checked her make-up and stepped out of the car. She put her shoulders back and took a deep breathe. She was ready.
When Silvia, walked into the reception area of the main office, she gave the receptionist the brightest smile that she could muster. The effect was immediate, the receptionist warmed to her immediately.
“Hello, my name is Benny, may I help you?” said the receptionist returning Silvia’s bright smile. Benny was a woman of about 50 with graying locks; she wore them in colorful West Indian braids. She looked to Silvia like a Caribbean queen. Her clothes were of good quality, something that Silvia had never been able to afford. She was one of those ladies that always appeared to really have a handle on their identity, where they're going and what they deserve. Silvia wanted to gush and tell her how wonderful and admirable she was and ask how to achieve that herself.
“Hello, I am Silvia Aguilar and I have an interview with Jack Pearson at 4 o’clock.”
“Wonderful! I will let Mr. Pearson know that you are here. Please have a seat; he will be down in a moment.” Benny indicated a row off expense-looking black leather upholstered chairs.
“Thank you Benny.” Silvia replied with another heart-felt smile.
She felt good. Silvia was feeling comfortable, and capable; the things that she prayed for.
While Silvia waited, the doors to one of the mirrored elevators opened, and out stepped a manicured man about 45 years old in a very nice navy suit and approached her.
“Silvia?” she nodded in response. “Good afternoon, I am Jack Pearson, we spoke on the phone. It is a pleasure to meet you finally.”
“The pleasure is mine Mr. Pearson.” Silvia gave her best smile yet.
“Call me Jack. Let’s go on up to my office and talk there.” Jack smiled and turned toward the elevator.
“Have you been to the office before?” asked Jack.
“No, I haven’t, but I found it quickly. You gave me excellent directions.” Silvia detected the scent of expensive men’s cologne. It was heavenly.
“Good. I am glad to hear that.” Jack pressed 7 on the lighted keypad and the doors whispered shut.
Silvia was amazed at the silence and the feeling that the elevator was not moving as she watched the numbers change on the lighted panel in front of her.
She was glad that Jack had stopped talking because she felt that whispering in this quiet elevator.
They left the elevator at the 7th floor, and Jack showed her into the most beautiful office that she had ever seen, in person or on the T.V.
Jack began the interview right away, “Silvia how would you handle being placed above your previous peers and what challenges do you think you would encounter?”
“Well Jack, as much as I like and respect my colleagues, I take my livelihood more seriously. In addition, coming from outside of this office will allow me to avoid a majority of the problems that could result if the new supervisor were from the office itself.”
“Good reasoning.” Jack scribbled notes on a pad in front of him.
The interview went on for about an hour; Silvia was calm throughout the entire process. She left the interview, with assurances from Jack that she was definitely in the top 5 of the candidates being considered. She was flying down I-80 back east and south to her home, singing with the radio, windows down, rejoicing in her triumph.
Silvia contemplated whether to go home early or start looking for a new place to live. It was too late to return to work and she didn’t want to take a chance on running into Santiago at the house. Finally, she decided to pick up a newspaper and go to a restaurant and treat herself to some time alone.
Silvia purchased a newspaper for .50 from a newsstand machine and headed to her favorite little restaurant, where the enchiladas are spicy and the drinks are ice cold. The cavalier’s front-end clicked as it groaned into the small parking lot of the restaurant.
Silvia vowed to get a new car when she left so that Santiago wouldn’t be able to locate them. She was more concerned about his sanity as the days passed. Silvia mentally shook herself and stepped out into the breezy, bright afternoon. She didn’t bother to lock the car as no one would steal it or any unfortunate items in it.
Opening the door to the small restaurant, Silvia was engulfed by the aroma of grilled peppers, onion, and steak. The heavy fried smell of chips made her realize how hungry she was and how she would love to do a little celebrating. She slipped into a booth that looked-out into the parking lot. She tried not to draw too much attention to herself as she waited for the mesera with a happy smile on her face.
Silvia was able to see, not only the parking lot, but also the tables in the restaurant. She saw only three other tables with occupants, one with a small, young family, the second, a group of working men covered in grime from working outside, the final table was occupied by a lone man.
He was in his forties, attractive, clean, wearing jeans, wrangler shirt, and alligator cowboy boots. He was talking on a cell phone while she watched him. He turned her direction as if he could feel Silvia’s amber gaze on him. Silvia felt embarrassed especially when he concluded his conversation and came over to speak with her.
“Buenas Tardes, conpermisso. Do I know you? You appear familiar to me” The man stated.
“I don’t think so. Maybe, I ‘m not sure.” Silvia did not know what to say, she had been caught looking.
He extended his hand, “My name is Sergio. I was waiting for someone to join me and they just cancelled. May I join you?” he paused “I just don’t want to eat alone.”
Silvia was suspicious but curious. “Okay, I guess that would be okay I am just getting something to eat.”
Sergio smiled at Silvia and her pulse quickened. His teeth were brilliantly white and he had impossibly deep dimples. She blushed and smiled in return and felt like a little school girl.
They exchanged small talk and Sergio ordered for Silvia and himself. She munched on Tortilla chips and salsa until the food arrived.
They exchanged tidbits about themselves without ever getting personal.
“I have a small used car lot, buy here pay here, it does well. I was meeting with a wholesaler today and he cancelled at the last minute.” Sergio explained while he swirled his beer bottle is small counter-clockwise circles.
Silvia was mesmerized by his actions and his presence. This was a very self-assured man. The kind that was really in charge and others just accepted it. He never had to remind others of his authority. She was not looking for a replacement for Santiago; she was a long way from being ready for that. However, Sergio presence did make her feel secure and important, the way her face reflected in his eyes, his easy smile and his dimple that winked at her.
Silvia felt like jumping up and down for joy, she was being listened too and treated as an equal and an adult. It was a great feeling. She didn’t taste the enchiladas that she was eating. Listening to his voice was taking her out of the physical world. Sergio had not asked her if she was married or if she had a boyfriend, which gave Silvia relief, as she did not want to discuss her current plans with anyone. You never know which men knew each other, and they gossiped more than women.
She found that she was watching his hands and the movement of his face. Silvia was fascinated by this man. He was not gorgeous, but he was special. However, she would have to be wary because she did not want to begin anything, until she was clear of Santiago’s insanity. She was concerned, because it could take a long time.
Sergio stretched and gave Silvia a brilliant dimpled grin. “Well, I got to go. Call me sometimes if you ever need a car or just want to talk or hang out.” He handed her a business card with English on one side and Spanish on the other. “I really enjoy talking with you. You are a very special person.”
Silvia was astounded, “Oh. Thank you very much. I will do that.”
“Great. Take care, Silvia.” Sergio placed a 50 on the table, winked at Silvia, and walked out of the door.
Silvia sat there confused for several minutes, unsure what to think. She didn’t want to be involved with anyone, and yet he didn’t ask.
“Is it possible that he really didn’t want to eat alone? Am I so desperate for human contact that I am overestimating the attention of a stranger?”
Silvia mentally slapped herself upside the head and called the mesera back to the table. While Silvia waited for the change from the fifty, she checked to see if she had received any calls or messages. She hadn’t heard anything yet about the interview, she was anxious even though she knew that it was too early to know anything.
“Here is the change, thank you” the waitress handed Silvia 17 dollars change. Silvia kept 10 and gave the other seven as a tip. She kept the 10, because 17 dollars was too much for a tip and she wanted to return the other 10 to him. She did have his business card.
Silvia was so happy and felt so special that she almost forgot how horrible life was, until she arrived at her sister’s house to pick up the girls.
Celeste answered the door by yelling, “Come in” from the kitchen of her townhouse. Celeste was cooking dinner and running up and down the basement stairs to get the laundry done. Celeste and, her husband of nine years, David were trying to find a way to keep Celeste at home with the kids while only he worked, laying carpet. In order to save money, Celeste took in her nieces and she hung all of her laundry out to dry instead of using the dryer.
“Every bit of saving helps”, Celeste was fond of saying.
Silvia paid Celeste for taking care of the girls, because Celeste needed the money and Silvia needed the reduced rate.
“Hola Cele. Como le va?” asked Silvia as she stepped into her sister’s kitchen, and jumped sideways to avoid her four year old nephew as he was barreling into the next room.
“CuidadoBeto” Celeste yelled out to her youngest.
He paid no attention to his mother and continued to run through the house.
Celeste was holding two baskets of clothes and under one arm balancing them on her hip; while stirring a large pot of sopa.
“Hey, Silvia! How are you doing girl? How was the I-N-T-E-R-V-I-E-W?”
They had to be discreet; Silvia did not want the girls involved in case they accidentally gave the plan away.
“I felt really good. Hopefully, we will know in a few days.” Silvia showed Celeste her crossed fingers for luck.
“I have to head to the house quickly to beat Santiago there. I am more worried every day about the way he acts.” Silvia played with the ends of her hair and suddenly appeared defeated, a huge departure from the excited and confident woman of just a few moments ago.
“You and the kids can always stay here, with us. David and I would never turn you away. You know that.” Celeste said as she placed the laundry baskets on the floor.
Silvia’s eyes fixed on the last supper painting on the wall to her left, trying to put into words that Santiago was dangerous and she would never put her sister’s family in danger.
“I know Cele.” Silvia sighed. “But you really don’t know how bad he has become. I know what I’m doing. It will be best my way.”
“If he is that bad, then you need to leave immediately!” Cele pounded her small fist down on the counter. “Wait a minute.” Celeste took a have a step back and furrowed her brow “You aren’t thinking of staying with this guy? Have you changed your mind?” Celeste face reflected disgust.
“No way, especially not after today.” Silvia was referring not only, to the interview, but also, of the encounter with Sergio. It made her nervous like a child with a secret too big to keep to herself.
“I just am trying to be smart about this situation. Pray for me? Okay?” Silvia and Celeste embraced like children clinging to their mother.
“I will pray for you. You take care of you and the girls.”
“I will, I promise.”
Silvia called the girls and gathered their backpacks, shoes, and socks. She put them in the beaten Cavalier and drove the ½ mile to their house fearing the worst. She had prepared shredded beef last night and was planning to bake it with barbeque sauce when they got home. She would only have to make the rice, beans, salad, and tortillas.
When she arrived home, Santiago’s truck was not in the driveway or on the street. She was relieved, and apprehensive. What if he came in drunk and terrorized the family?
She rushed the girls inside and had them change clothes and put away their backpacks. She suggested that they watch a movie in their room, until dinner. Actually, she just wanted them out of the line of fire, in case Santiago was home ugly.
Silvia rushed through dinner preparations. She and the girls ate a peaceful dinner filled with laughter and conversation. The girls talked about school, Tatiana talked about her class’s plans to go to a pumpkin patch in a few weeks. Millie complained that the teacher was mean and pronounced everyone’s names wrong. Her impression of the teacher had them all laughing and holding their sides.
After they had dinner, while it was still peaceful, Silvia did the laundry, the ironing, and cleaned the kitchen. It was so relaxed and peaceful without Santiago around. She supervised bubble baths for the girls, and watched a show on the kids channel with them. She kissed them good night, and relaxed with a book. She had been reading for about an hour when she realized that it was after midnight and she still hadn’t heard anything from Santiago. She was relieved and reflected upon how quiet and productive that evening had been.
How nice it would be when they didn’t have to worry about his tantrums and crazy behavior. However, right now, Silvia was feeling anxious about what would come next. She wasn’t surprised that he was late getting home; however, she was surprised that the day had gone so well.
Silvia went in to sleep with the girls; she drifted off to sleep listening for sounds of Santiago’s return.
She focused on the dinner with Sergio earlier in the day. She remembered it all, including the parts that didn’t happen that she wished had. She could see his beautifully male hands, his dimple, his radiance, his confidence, and his business card in her pocket. She pictured herself and confident, feminine, dynamic and fascinating. Silvia sighed deeply with the contentment of a perfect fantasy. It was only moments before Silvia’s face felt hot and she felt stupid for fantasizing about a man that couldn’t possibly be interested in her. The fantasy versus reality battle lasted until long after Silvia fell asleep.

When Silvia awoke the following morning, she checked to see if he had returned home. So far, the coast was clear. Silvia made sausage and egg burritos for herself and the girls. They had a happy time eating, teasing, and preparing for their day, everyone pretending that it was just the three of them all the time. Silvia hustled the girls into the Cavalier and drove them to the elementary school and signed them in at the before-school program. She didn’t drop them with her sister in the a.m., because Celeste already had too much to handle.
Silvia arrived to work with twenty minutes to spare. She enjoyed arriving early, it gave her time to think and organize herself for the day. She gathered her purse, briefcase, and her lunch and headed inside. Silvia deposited her things at her desk and went for coffee. The break room was silent and dark; she turned on the light switch and shielded her eyes from the fluorescent glare. While making her coffee, Patty, another woman in her office, came in. Patty was the type of woman that wasn’t happy unless she had someone to complain about. She was in her early forties and seemed to think that everyone was out to get her, so she got them first. Her road to career success was paved with the bodies of those she had stabbed in the back. This explained why she was in the same job that she had started in with the company.
Silvia was thirty-two and hoped to never have this paranoid view of the world. Silvia believed in the philosophy that if you behave as if you are the person that you want to become, then you will become that person. Self-actualization is a theory that she hoped would work.
“Good morning, Silvia.” Said Patty
“Good morning.” Silvia replied with a toothless smile, she was hoping that the coffee would hurry up so she wouldn’t have to spend too much time with Patty.
“Well, I hear that you applied for some positions over at corporate. Do you think you really have a chance? You know they reward seniority here and you’ve only been here…What...maybe two years?”
“Actually, I have been here three years in October. I am looking to advance my career and to offer more to the company.”
“Well, just don’t get your hopes up.” With a chuckle, Patty turned away and began feeding dollars into the wheel of death.
“Oh, Silvia, I saw that there was a raid on a garbage company yesterday. The news said that they arrested about fifty illegal aliens. I hope no one in your family was involved. Have a great day.” Patty smiled smugly and walked away with her selection.
“You, too.” Silvia was used to these types of comments, but she remained calm and tried to consider the source. Everyone knew one or two people like Patty.
Silvia took her coffee and her frustration with her back to her desk. Daydreaming didn’t come easy to Silvia, but slipped off to that world. She could see herself and the girls very happy in a nice house with a nice car and no Santiago. With a deep sigh, Silvia began logging into her computer and prepared herself for the ugly reality of the day. She had come to terms with the fact that just visualizing didn’t change the situation. Santiago was around and he would find them if she wasn’t careful and covered all of the bases. Silvia didn’t dare speak of the situation to anyone except Celeste. There wasn’t anyone else that she could really trust. She needed to set out a plan and work out all the details. Only then, could she and the girls move forward and make a better life. The ringing phone told her it was time to get back to the real world and begin her day.
Silvia day was filled with countless phone calls and research. She was glad to be off the following day. She had to get serious about setting a plan. If she did get the new job, she needed to be ready to move quickly before she was found out.
When Silvia finally closed out for the day, she realized that she had produced more work in this day than any other, which would explain the pain behind her eyes.
She took a final look around before heading for the door. Patty was there. She wilted.
“Please let me get away from her without losing it.” Silvia pleaded under her breath and then planted a pseudo smile on her face.
“Silvia, Judy wants to see you in her office.” Patty smirked, with a tone that conveyed that she thought Silvia was in trouble.
“Great! Thank you Patty.” Silvia turned away and walked to Judy’s cubicle at the back of the center.
When Silvia arrived, Patty was on the phone. Patty waved her to the vacant chair closest to her desk.
“No problem, I will let you know first thing tomorrow. I am sure that it will not cause any difficulties. Okay then, goodbye.”
Patty hung up the phone and turned to Silvia.
“Hi, how was your day today?”
“Busy, but it went by quickly.”
“I noticed that you didn’t take your lunch.”
“I wasn’t really hungry and I just wanted to finish off some pressing matters that I have been waiting on for a month. Is that a problem, Judy?” Silvia realized that she was actually starving, because of the missed lunch.
“I wish you would follow procedures and take you lunch. However, I wanted to caution you against burn out originally. But, now I need to discuss something else more pressing with you.”
Silvia became very concerned, she had been working hard and hadn’t done anything that she was aware of that should be addressed.
“Well, I got a call from Jack Pearson.”
Silvia’s heart almost stopped.
“He wanted to let me know that he has taken you out of the running for the supervisor position.”
Silvia was crushed and her face felt hot. She wanted to get away as quickly as possible. Her face must have told the whole story because Judy reached over and placed her hand on Silvia’s arm.
“Hold on now! Let me finish. He took you out of the running because he wants you to head up a new smaller division as the director.”
Judy paused to let the words sink in. Would you like to accept the position? It wasn’t posted, because we weren’t sure exactly what qualities that we were looking for. Jack thinks you are exactly WHO we need to head up this group. Are you up to ir?”
“Oh, Patty! Yes I am! Are you sure he was talking about me? Really?”
“Absolutely! I agree with the choice and I told him so.” Judy looked very pleased.
“Do you know Silvia, you will be a director? It is a small new group but you will be a director. The only condition is that you train someone to take your place and the position will not open up for another month. You need to not say anything until the announcement is made. The position you posted for will be announced on Monday. You will need to begin the training process immediately in order to get someone ready to take over you responsibilities. Can you do that?”
“Yes I can! Oh Judy, I can’t believe it?”
“I will let Jack know in the morning. You are off tomorrow so I will try to have the written proposal for you on Monday to review and sign. I should know who will be your replacement by then. Congratulations Silvia, I am very proud of you!”
They shook hands and Silvia let the office stunned and in a fog. She saw Patty still sitting in her car in the parking lot and walked directly to her own car ignoring the unpleasant woman, who was obviously waiting to see what happened.
Silvia didn’t care; no one was going to ruin her feeling.
Silvia pulled out of the parking lot and unsure where she was driving just drove. She realized after about 20 minutes that she was a block from her church; she wanted to light a candle in thanks and ask God to help her move ahead. Silvia entered the hushed gloom of the church and savored the smells of incense and knew that she was supposed to be here. Her mood changed from giddy to peaceful. She had so much to be thankful for, not only the job offer, but also her family and her own girls. She knew how blessed she truly was. Silvia crossed herself and walked silently down the aisle to a pew just to the left of the candle altar. She genuflected and dropped into the pew and knelt on the kneeling bar to pray a prayer of thanks and celebration. As she did so, she knew that all would go well if she just took action and stopped feeling sorry for herself. She recognized that this was a message that she was meant to receive.
After a few minutes in silent meditation, she moved to the rows of candles and fished in her purse for two dollars and slid them into to the collection box. She lit a candle for her their futures and for all other women going through the same thing.
Silvia spent a few more minutes in reflection and then she slowly stood filled with a new purpose and walked from the sanctuary into the breezy sunshine. She was a new woman with a renewed sense of purpose.

Silvia picked up her daughters without telling her sister the news, because she wanted to hold the news close to herself for awhile. She decided to take the girls out for dinner to celebrate. She still couldn’t tell them the truth, but she knew that they would be excited for her.
The ladies went to Guaca Maya, a very nice restaurant and bar that catered to both Latinos and Anglos. The main bar was elevated in the center of the building and the dance floor for the late night dances, the pool area and all of the other elements of a true bar were not visible from the sunken dining room. The girls loved the restaurant because of the wandering mariachis and the colorful decorations. Silvia loved the food. They ordered, and while they waited they munched on chips and salsa. Silvia listened to the animated discussion of the girls’ day’s events between mouthfuls of chips; their mother had to remind them about not talking with food in their mouths.
The girls were sipping orchata and Silvia indulged in a tall glass of soda. She would be feeling the caffeine effects later when she went to bed, but it was, after all, a celebration.
The waitress returned with the food and the small family was still having a great time talking and eating and enjoying the dinner and each other.
Silvia was grabbed by the arm and pulled nearly out of her seat. She turned to see that her attacker was Santiago. His eyes were red-veined and glassy. He had that crazy look.
“What the fuck you doing here? You wasting money on these ungrateful bitches?” He took a step toward the girls and they grabbed each other and huddled close together.
Santiago turned back to Silvia and drew back his hand as if he was going to punch her, then he dropped his arms to his side.
“You are worthless. This is why you always broke. I know why you husband leave you. You a lazy woman. You should be at home cleaning that pigsty you call a house. Look at you. You look like shit. I won’t be home. I got stuff to do.”
He slapped Silvia across the head and walked back over to the bar area. The girls looked terrified. Silvia knew that she needed to diffuse the situation. Everyone in the packed restaurant was staring at her and whispering. She could have run out of the restaurant and hid under a rock. The waiter returned to the table and Silvia asked for take out boxes for the food that was left. The look on the waiter’s face was sympathetic and he said that he would take the plates and get the boxes ready for her. A woman walked over to the table and spoke with Silvia.
“Do you want me to call the police? You shouldn’t have to leave.” The woman was clearly upset by the scene that everyone had just witnessed.
“No, thank you. I think that would just make things worse. I do appreciate your concern. He is just drunk and gets like that. I am fine, really.” Silvia was even more embarrassed than before.
“Okay, but you are welcome here anytime. I am having him removed.
“Please, don’t do anything until after we have been gone for awhile or he will blame me.” Silvia was clearly panicked.
“All right, but just for you and the little girls. I will have one of the security walk you all out to your car. Did you come with him?”
“No, we are in my car. Thank you. But, please have them meet me away from the table.”
“Come and wait for your food with me by the door.” She led them to the cash register and waiting area.
The waiter returned with five large boxes of food and three small boxes.
“I think there is a mistake we only had three plates.” Silvia explained as the waiter placed the boxes in plastic take-out bags.
“No, this is the right amount.” He smiled at Silvia and she realized that he was trying to convey his sympathy.
The woman returned with a huge guy she called Jose and gave him instructions to walk Silvia, Tatiana, and Millie to their car.
“Thank you.” Silvia turned back at the door. “I am sorry. I didn’t pay you yet.” She gripped the bags in one hand while reaching for her wallet with the other.
“No, I am buying. Go on now. It is my pleasure.” The woman turned and walked away.
Silvia was stunned and even more embarrassed by the need to accept kindness from a stranger.
Silvia put Tatiana and Milagros in the backseat of the car and made sure that they were buckled in their seatbelts, before placing the take-out bags on the passenger side floorboard and getting into the car herself. The whole time she was under the watchful eye of Jose the silent security guard.
She gave him a weak smile and fastened her own seatbelt.
Jose placed his hand on the door in the open window and said, “Hang in there. That guy is a problem and I have thrown him out before. He won’t think anything about it.”
Jose waved to the girls in the backseat and watched as Silvia drove away thinking, “Why do the pretty ones act so dumb and waste their time with guys that treat them like shit?” He shook his head in confusion and walked back into the restaurant, he was looking forward to the coming confrontation.

Silvia drove toward the house and her mind was racing, she had to find a way to protect the girls in case Santiago came back to the house during the night. She decided to change direction and go to her sister’s house instead. She had to be careful not to look too upset in front of Celeste’s husband or he may not allow the girls to stay. He didn’t like to get involved in personal issues between couples, even if she was his sister-in-law.
Celeste answered the back door; she had been cleaning the kitchen. She gave Silvia a hug and kiss on the cheek.
“What’s up Syl? Where are the girls?”
“Where is David?” Silvia asked in hushed tones.
“He went to buy pan. Did something else happen?” Celeste was visible concerned and grabbed her sister’s hands in her own.
Silvia felt like crying as she nodded her head and realized that head hurt where Santiago had hit her.
“Cele I need the girls to stay with you until after work on Monday. Please. I don’t want them there this weekend. I have a lot to do and he is getting worse. I can explain more tomorrow. I promise.” The words came gushing out of Silvia and she hoped that Celeste understood them, because she didn’t think she could repeat them without breaking down.
“Of course they can. So can you Sil. I wish you would. I don’t even want to think about what Santiago is capable of doing to you.” Celeste’s eyes pleaded with Silvia to reconsider.
“No, I will be fine. I will be careful. I need to get one of those cell phones. I can’t do it right now, but I will.” Silvia hugged her sister and went to get the girls and the food from the car.
She returned with the girls and Celeste started to open the boxes and place the food on plates for the girls.
“Silvia, why did you buy so much food? It looks like the entire menu is in these boxes. Three boxes of flan Silvia?”
“They had a special.” Silvia said to Celeste but thought, “The waiter must have grabbed all the food he found in the kitchen.”
The contents looked like a feast.
“I will take the box with the fajitas and one of the flans. Thank you Celeste, I will come back later with clothes for the girls for school.”
“Don’t worry about it. I have plenty of clothes for the both of them here.” She put the large and the small box into a bag for Silvia and held it out to her sister.
“Are you sure?” Silvia asked Celeste.
“Yep, we are fine. Take care of yourself and call me often to let me know what is going on.” Celeste walked with Silvia to the back door, kissed her cheek again and watched he walk to the car.
“I hope he doesn’t kill her.” Celeste was thinking to herself and at the same time thankful that David was a decent man.
Silvia drove to the house and sat in the drive while she tried to calm her racing thoughts. She needed to organize herself. She needed organization now, more than at any other time in her life.
She left the car and entered the house. Silvia’s first thought upon entering the house was that the house had been broken into. The living room was destroyed the furniture was pulled away from the walls and the cushioned thrown on the floor. It looked as if someone had been searching the house for something. The T.V. and stereo were still in place. Every C.D. was on the floor and more than half of them were open. It must have been the work of Santiago.
She felt defeated. This was a good day, and even though he didn’t know that, he still had managed to destroy it for her.
Silvia went to the dining room table; it was not destroyed, except for an overturned chair. She sat down and started eating the barely warm fajitas with a plastic fork. She took a lined sticky note from her purse and made a list.

a) New job
(1) Different location
(2) More money (???)
b) Cell phone
c) Different car
(1) Better shape
(2) Newer?
d) Different School for the girls
e) Different hangouts
f) Move in less than a day

After she made the list and highlighted the things that she had already accomplished, she felt better. Silvia assumed that the new position would pay more; she had forgotten to ask where the division would be located. She forgot to ask a lot of questions. Tomorrow, she would have to get busy working on the list and getting everything in order.
Silvia spent the next three hours cleaning the house and separating all of their things into keep and Salvation Army piles. She put the give-away piles in plastic bags and stored them in the basement. She would load them into the car in the morning and drop them off at the donation site tomorrow. There were six bags in all.
She was careful to put everything else back in order, so that Santiago wouldn’t notice. She then made a mental note to pick up packing boxes the following day. Silvia barricaded the door to the girls’ room with their dresser and laid down to sleepless night, of thinking, planning, worrying, and hoping that Santiago would stay away.
Jose walked back into the restaurant ready to take care of Santiago.
The bar area was crowded; the dance floor was as well. Jose moved slowly through the crowd looking for Santiago. His eyes swept the dark interior, until he located Santiago. Jose watched as Santiago was attempting to grope a fat, little, white girl, who was sitting with a group of her friends. It was almost time to throw him out for the fourth time in two months. Jose watched as the girls became more agitated and began to yell at Santiago.
“Here we go.” Jose signaled to his two men on either side of the dance floor and motioned for them to back him up as he moved in on Santiago.
They reached Santiago as he was pulling back to punch one of the girls that was defending her friend.
Each of Jose’s employee grabbed Santiago, one his legs and the other around the body. They picked him up off of the floor and started toward the exit, following Jose.
The crowd of people opened a path to the door, when they caught sight of the men hauling the drunken Santiago to the parking lot.